+39 045 6600611 INFO@ICMCAVE.COM

T-MAV 21

Ten years of experience have led ICM to the creation of T-MAV 21, an innovative crusher, with a production capacity ranging from a few tens of tons per hour to over three hundred and which processes hard and abrasive materials with very low wear.

Due to its characteristics this impact crusher can have much higher capacities than traditional ones, a single T-MAV 21 treats the same capacity as three horizontal impactors of the same weight.


The vertical shaft impactor ICM T-MAV 21 is proverbial in the world industry of aggregates preparation for its performance and efficiency. It allows to have all the benefits of impact crushing (polyhedral products, high production, low investment cost and wear) with a wide range of materials, from limestone to granite.

The T-MAV 21 is normally used in the production cycle as a tertiary, quaternary impact crusher: with the closed rotor it allows the crushing of pieces from 1 to 30 mm while with the open rotor it can be crushed up to 75 mm. The material is fed from above and falls to the centre of the rotor that accelerates it against the anvils where it fractures by impact. This type of crushing breaks up the rock along the natural lines of fracture and the weaker planes, producing a very polyhedral shape of the inert and often improving its resistance.

The T-MAV 21 with the new ICM six-door rotor increases the production of fines and drastically reduced wear. It allows to crush the excess of the 2-5 mm fraction to obtain the sand in line with the fineness module.

If you add to this the possibility of using fine, dry or damp materials in the feed, you can see how versatile this machine is, even in the case of very restrictive specifications.

The great flexibility of use, given both by the different configurations of the crushing chamber and by the variation in the rotation speed of the rotor, and the possibility to installing from 120 to 400 kW of power, make it possible to meet the needs of users in terms of quality or quantity, without ever having to change the impact crusher.

The wear and labour costs of this machine are drastically reduced not only thanks to the small number of parts that make the rotor and their ease of replacement, but also thanks to the removable anvil ring for quick change of the same. The high quality of the alloys that make the wear parts is also an improved value. Other key elements of ICM T-MAV 21: the robustness of the impact crusher structure, the control of vibrations through a vibro switch, the lubrification’s control to the bearings with a flowswitch, the generous sizing of the bearing themselves and the hydraulic opening of the lid.

ICM S.r.l.
Società a socio unico soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di DUE M s.r.l.

Via Don Sasselli d'Era, 26
37041, Albaredo d'Adige
Verona, Italia



+39 045 66 00 611
P.I. e C.F. 02895560239
REA n.293435/VR
Cap. Soc. € 10.200,00


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